
What could be the best gift?

The best gift
A gift is defined in different dictionaries as follows: What we give to others for free, without expecting to receive it.

Although we may expect to receive a refund at a later time from the recipient, at that moment the gift is something that is given away for free. In Dehkhoda dictionary, the gift is defined as follows: The gift of what they send to someone in the form of affection (making friends) and commemoration.

Gift giving has long been a fascinating subject for the study of the humanities and psychology, anthropology, economics and marketing. Researchers from different perspectives have concluded that gift-giving is an astonishingly complex and complex part of human interaction. Exchanging gifts leads to establishing and strengthening relationships between family and friends. According to psychologists, the giver always has more positive psychological benefits than the recipient in doing so.

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Gift history
Giving gifts is perhaps one of the oldest human activities that dates back to pre-human civilization and the origin of our species. Even in the primitive cave culture, giving gifts has been a common activity to express and attract the love and affection of others. Another type of gift was defined as a symbol that tribal or tribal leaders offered in appreciation or respect for one another.

In pre-civilization times, these gifts often came from nature. According to archaeologists, for example, a gift could be a stone with a strange appearance or the teeth of an animal. When man achieved civilization and was able to make tools, gifts gradually became more complex in nature or function. For example, holes were made inside the teeth with the help of tools and placed next to other precious stones to form an ornamental necklace.

The social value of giving is identifiable and traceable throughout the history of human creation. For thousands of years, some indigenous cultures participated in ceremonies called potlatch. In this complex social ceremony, rituals and gifts were celebrated. Although there are different cultural interpretations, in the ancient culture, each family that had given more than others, had more respect and social level. And the respect and dignity that each family received was directly related to the amount they gave.


Why do we give gifts?
At the basic level, we give gifts and presents because we are supposed to give and we are expected to. Birthdays, anniversaries, parties and New Year celebrations can be expected from this time. Giving a gift is generally an institutionalized human tradition.

The reason for this tradition is to achieve an important goal: Appreciation and love. We give gifts to others in order to value and cherish the value and value we place on him and the role he plays in our lives.

We give gifts to those with whom we want to establish and maintain a relationship, this relationship is not just romantic and emotional and includes all human relationships. Giving is an important part of human interaction. It can represent our relationships with others and help strengthen (or weaken) our bonds with our friends, family, and emotional partner.

A gift is a sign of the value we place on our relationship with the recipient, so it is a positive step that must be reciprocated (voluntarily) by the recipient. Of course, reciprocal giving does not always have to be material or the same amount received, but it does create some kind of imbalance in the relationship. Humans, in principle, want to receive a gift as they give it. On the other hand, people like to respond well with kindness and offer a gift in return for love. When a person receives a gift from someone, he is usually impressed. As a result, giving is another reason to impress others emotionally.

Of course, we must keep in mind that giving gifts should not be a requirement, but should be something that is offered from the bottom of the heart and with real intent. You give something to someone you love without expecting anything in return. Making people happy is a good reason to give a gift. And it’s a testament to what you thought.

Just as it is pleasant and desirable to receive it, when we give it to someone, we also feel inner joy. Which cannot be measured by monetary criteria. The joy that comes with opening a gift is temporary, but the joy of giving is something that stays with us for a long time. Just think of the good feeling you had the last time you gave someone a gift and you see that it is probably still with you!

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Why do we like to give gifts?
There is a verse in the Bible of Christianity: “Forgiveness is better than receiving.” You may have heard the phrase, but you probably do not quite believe it. While we acknowledge that giving and giving is good, it obviously makes us feel good when other people are happy with our gifts, but how can this be better than receiving a gift from others?

In fact, it is clear that the Bible is more than a religious benevolent verse. Scientific research shows that it is really better to give a gift for the reasons mentioned above than to receive a gift. It is interesting to note that the total value of gifts exchanged in the United States alone is more than half a trillion dollars ($ 500 billion) per year, including voluntary charitable gifts. This shows that the culture of gift-giving has a significant impact on the global economy.

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For the following psychological reasons, we like to give gifts:

Make good sense
Here are some things that will probably motivate you more when you buy your next gift: Giving gifts to others can make you happier. No matter what gift you get in return.

Scientific research shows that people who are accustomed to giving gifts are happier people. In one study, for example, employees who received a job reward and spent part of it on giving and giving gifts to others felt a greater sense of happiness. On the other hand, spending more on themselves did not have much effect on their positive feelings.

In fact, it can be explained that giving gifts to others brings us more happiness than spending money for ourselves. Two authors and researchers, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, in their book Happy Money: The Science of Spending acknowledges that when you spend for yourself, you leave happiness there. Perhaps one of the psychological reasons for this phenomenon is that spending money for which we have worked so hard for ourselves can cause us some pain (because of losing money).

The connection between giving and being happy seems to be right for everyone. In another large survey of 230,000 people from around the world, there is a direct relationship between happiness and the amount of gifts people give to others. Regardless of the cultural context in which they live or their income level.

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Positive effect on health!
Need another reason to give a gift? It seems that buying a gift is good for your health. And it even increases longevity.

Research shows that generosity, whether monetary or temporal, strengthens the immune system, reduces physical pain, and reduces the risk of depression or heart disease. A five-year study in Detroit, USA, found that people who help others are better able to cope with problems and stress in their lives. People who rushed to the aid of others also had lower mortality rates than those who did not. In addition, they enjoyed a variety of mental and physical benefits.


Giving gifts spiritually and psychologically
After reading the paragraph above, you may be wondering how giving a gift can make us healthier and happier. In response, we must say that the reason must be sought in the chemical activities of the human brain and soul.

You have probably heard and read a lot about the harm that stress does to people. It is interesting to know that giving a gift reduces the secretion of stress hormones in the body. It simultaneously releases two hormones, endorphins and dopamine, into the brain. These two hormones are responsible for rewarding our brain. And in general, they determine the feeling of happiness and good feeling in our body.

The feeling of warmth and pleasure that comes to us when we give to others is the result of the release of the happy hormones endorphins and dopamine in our brains. The problem is that when we shop for ourselves, we feel less, brain scans have confirmed this.

We are planning to give a gift!
We all know people who are inherently more generous, as well as people who do not have this habit. Scientists have done research on why this is the case. Their research shows that the quantity and quality of a person’s gifts can be related to the size of a part of his brain.

There is an area in a person’s brain just above the right ear called the right temporoparietal junction, also called TPJ for short. They show that the quantity and quality of a person’s gifts can be related to the size of a part of his or her brain. This section plays an important role in a person’s moral judgments and emotional perceptions, such as how other people feel or have a point of view.

Research from the University of Zurich has found that people with a larger right TPJ are more likely to spend more on gifts or charities. The signal of brain activity in TPJ can still indicate whether a person has reached the last tolerable level of his gift (in terms of quantity and quality) or not. Although this may not be the only factor in determining how generous people are, evidence suggests that a small part of the brain may play a role.


Selfish generosity
All of this talk about the structure of the brain and the benefits of giving to us leads to a fundamental question: Is giving a gift altruistic or selfish? If giving is really better than receiving a gift, then aren’t we really drawn to giving because of these obvious and hidden benefits? According to psychologists, the answer to this question is surprisingly “yes.” We give gifts because they give us good feedback.

It may not matter, though, what the main motive is. Anything that motivates us to feel good about others and ourselves is valuable and useful. And it makes the world a more beautiful place.

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In order to know what the best gift can be, you must first understand what the essence of the case is …

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Now, by knowing the psychology of the giver and the above information, you can choose the best gift for him

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I emphasize that when buying a gift, always remember that it is a memorial, and this is the most important thing in buying a lasting gift.


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