Contact with us

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Please see the frequently asked questions before sending a message

When are you responsible?

The colleagues of the online support department and tickets are proudly available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we are also available by direct phone call from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM every day.

What are the methods to communicate with the holding company?

The form in front of you will be answered once every 24 hours

You can use various methods to communicate with us:

  • The icon in the lower right corner of the site pages provides you with more than 10 ways to contact us.
  • In each menu, there is a special form in the comments section where your questions will be answered by relevant experts.
  • For important cases that require multiple follow-ups, please use the ticket sending menu in your personal user account.

Buying and selling works of art, buying works of art, selling works of art

direct contact

(special line)

84 24 56 66 21 98+
33 80 56 66 21 98+

send SMS

Buy and sell works of art

Mobile support

9102036373 98+

Active in WhatsApp, Telegram and Ita

Buy and sell works of art

Instagram account

Buy and sell works of art

Institute email

Response from 10 to 22

( Tehran Time )

Buy and sell works of art
seven days a week

“no shutdown”

Buy and sell works of art

Iranian Art Holding

The ability to hold management meetings, marketing, branding and various exhibitions

America, New York City

Pretoria, South Africa

Bern, Switzerland

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Türkiye, Istanbul and Ankara

and the country of Thailand, the city of Bangkok


In Iran, in Tehran, Kish, Isfahan and some provincial centers

We have the possibility of providing specialized support to artists, enthusiasts and respected art investors

Please hold a face-to-face meeting at the offices of Iranian Art Holding

Register your request along with the subject of the meeting in the contact form

Contact avec Persian Art Holding, contact avec Art Holding, contact immédiat avec Holding

Contact avec Persian Art Holding, contact avec Art Holding, contact immédiat avec Holding

Please register your opinion or related question in this section, related experts will be happy to answer

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