National art call, Iranian art festival, Iran’s prestigious art biennial

National export development plan for cultural industries and works of art

Site for buying and selling works of art

National art patron event


National comprehensive plan and organization of product information, knowledge and ideas in the field of cultural industries and works of art

along with empowerment and scientific and practical development of ideas, works and participants at different skill levels

Presentation and supply of works and products in the domestic market and operational data analysis; Improving the level of quality in the international field (design, quality, implementation, etc.))

Providing specialized services in virtual space in 6 languages ​​in related markets along with buying and selling; Export in related market, international branch of works and branding of participants

National art event

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Art biennial

Untitled 43 Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری logo blue Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری 0000 Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Buying artwork and handicrafts

An introduction to design, creation and implementation

The ancient land of Iran has always had a remarkable place in the world in terms of culture, art, and handicrafts, and has influenced the art and civilization of other nations in different historical periods, and has been influenced by the unique skills and masters of various artistic fields during recent centuries. It has the title of reserves without competition in the production and ability to create works of art in various fields of visual arts, along with related artistic attractions and valuable artistic creations, as well as the diversity and variety of culture and thought, and these artistic resources and continuity are God-given on the one hand and Its ancient history and civilization, on the other hand, has been the foundation and support of production and economic activities, as well as the cause of social richness and cultural diversity in all its artistic and historical periods.

Ancient Iranian arts enchant the eyes of viewers in many parts of the world today, every viewer who observes Iranian artistic and cultural works in famous international museums can see the amazing creativity and ability of Iranian artisans and authors in ideas and art. Admires history.

In order to promote and develop Iranian art and culture, relying on lessons learned from activities in the international arena and the quality level of cultural artworks presented in the international field and emphasizing on preserving Iranian authenticity, which is full of pride and many honors for creators and artists. This is a trade and industry, and looking at the taste of today’s people, we should seriously focus on global marketing, displaying, offering and presenting as many artistic works and ideas as possible through providing access to domestic and international markets, a decisive role. in the quantity and quality of these works and the prosperity of businesses related to Iran’s art industry. which definitely requires access to domestic markets through connecting to traditional (face-to-face) and modern electronic and virtual domestic distribution and sales networks, such as holding academic art shops by professors and domestic exhibitions and galleries, activists The fields of selling works of art in the world are virtual networks and domestic and international curators, including enablers and artists. This issue is much easier than accessing unfamiliar and diverse, unrelated and active markets (public infrastructures of virtual social media that also interfere in the space of the cultural and artistic sphere), because the scientific and specialized competition of manufacturers and sellers at the global level Sometimes it becomes so intense that it leaves no place for the professional presence of ideas, works and artistic products.

Aggregating the capacities of the capable sectors of private infrastructures and academic and government institutions in the fields of empowerment, market making, marketing and sales in a platform where the appropriate features for their activities are defined, new opportunities in order to update and benefit from a considerable network of Artists will create.

Because the events are usually temporary events that can be the source of the effect and lead to networking and creating a new perspective in the related field and will ultimately lead to the discovery of new capacities due to the synergy of members;

And briefly, the main goal of the plan; Empowering the network of artists and internationally validating Iranian artworks and handicrafts in the world

The national plan to Hami Honar Mana

In the call for patrons of art, we decided to implement the largest and most comprehensive level of identification, empowerment and marketization of fields related to visual arts and related industries at the national level in 2024 and in line with the goal of identification, empowerment, commercialization and Market development and the prosperity of art businesses and supporting the chain of attraction, generation of ideas to creation of products, we have organized a “national event and call” with the following goals:

Painting festival, calligraphy festival, Irshad festival

  • Identifying the country’s capacities in related artistic fields
  • Providing comprehensive solutions in the infrastructure of international interactions and industry
  • Creating an environment of attraction, empowerment and improvement of the quantitative and qualitative level of creating works
  • Creating credibility in the international space and customizing the creation and production of works of art and handicrafts
  • Creating a two-way and three-way relationship between artists, knowledge bases and related markets
  • Strengthening the value chain, production and sales in the field of visual arts and handicrafts

Two years of calligraphy, two years of painting, two years of graphics

  • The main elements of the implementation of the call:

Buying and selling works of art in the world

  • National Park of Soft Sciences and Technologies and Cultural Industries of Academic Jihad

With a supportive view and of course a coherent structure in the field of design and implementation of creative ecosystems in selected art fields, the best possible platform for implementing related actions and of course creating three-way relations between artistic and cultural fields, performers committed to supporting domestic and international target markets It is international.

Services: Cooperation in the operationalization of the call and the establishment of executive charts and general and specialized committees, as well as cooperation in wide information and establishing two-way relations with related structures and introducing the media and consumers of information feed.

Participation in science and culture park festivals

  • Arts and cultural Foundation HAmi Honar Mana

During a decade of activity in Iran’s art industry and culturally related industries, the main area of ​​empowerment is definitely to identify the existing capabilities (ideas, works, products, etc.) and create two-way communication with domestic and international target markets (enthusiasts, collectors and investors in consumer industries) knows and it is obvious that due to their capabilities and technical infrastructures that have been designed, created and implemented in recent years for use and use in different layers of the art industry and require extensive information and The expansion of the community of the primary audience (creators and ideators of artistic and cultural fields) will be for the provision and development of the platform of supporting fields in the empowerment and development of the market.

Services : Designing the call and creating an executive chart and general and specialized committees and providing a specialized infrastructure for attracting, expertizing and leveling works as well as providing a support infrastructure and empowering the consumer and members network along with the use of the treasure of art teachers, specialized and educational resources and books in In line with domestic marketing and domestic display and sales on virtual and in-person platforms in the country, and domestic and international presentation and marketing for the supply of works at different levels.

Participation in Islamic Azad University festivals

  • UNESCO Club of Creative and Cultural Industries

Brand supply, creation of valid international issues in the direction of production and distribution, provision of infrastructure for the introduction and international supply of the selected works of the ecosystem, empowerment of works and support in providing international services.

Participation in Iran’s UNESCO festivals

  • Islamic Azad University, Department of Islamic Iranian Arts, Dr. Mahmoud Farshchian

As one of the most innovative academic and art centers, as well as the creator of the master’s student project in the field of art education in the country, in this project, they are also members of the project policy council and the supplier of the project implementation site and the secretariat related to the national call.

Services: Providing an activity space in Tehran and an exhibition space for the display and presentation of artworks and cooperation in creating a team of academic experts in the country

National plan to support Iranian artists

  • The main steps of calling “Parts”

  1. Specialized advertising, notification of recall at the country level
  2. Examining and compiling information storage and instant consumption of data
  3. Use of internal exploitation, display and supply infrastructure
  4. Skill leveling of works and abilities in domestic and international space
  5. Providing available services and capabilities to empower the ecosystem
  6. Receiving orders and creating new works with a focus on the export target market
  7. Scientific market measurement and historiography of interactions based on analysis
  8. Showing and offering works and offering capabilities in the international space
  9. Operational export in related fields and publication of works in the international space
  10. Creating an ecosystem for knowledge transfer and commercialization along with complete exploitation

Authentic Iranian national call

  • Executive steps of the call ” A simple description of the steps of the activity “

After extensive information, those interested in participating in the call and using the services refer to the Hanar Holding website, create a user account (within 1 minute of mobile phone authentication) and after logging in to their user account, the authentication steps. in the sections of communication information, identity information, activity resume and sending work samples and signing the memorandum online and instantly (about 5 minutes if the documents are ready) and then by experts in the sections of basic information confirmation, bachelor The works and empowerment will be evaluated and if necessary, the information will be updated through the expert’s message on the portal, SMS and e-mail. Finally, after the confirmation of the authentication department by the experts, they will be able to open the store and register the artwork. (each work maximum 2 minutes) and can present their works of art to participate in the competition + instant display + domestic supply and international sales.

Art festival support

  • The subject of the call

In general, the call is intended to be public and with an open topic, at the same time to receive and accompany the maximum of the artistic community and cover the needs of the market, and in the specialized section, we will have special sections that are considered by UNESCO along with the proposal of international topics of the day. This can be helpful in international display and sales.

  • Approved specialized subjects: (April 2024 update)

Ancient Persia ; original decorations; Nature conservation

  • event level


Giving awards to the best people in the form of scholarships to empower the fields of education, exhibition and sale of works at the national and international level


Providing public services to all participants in the form of public education, display and presentation of works at the national and international level

Festival with fine art award

  • Separation of disciplines

8 visual disciplines + handicrafts

( 1 + 8 )

Painting ; Photography ; miniature ; calligraphy; Printing and illustration; graphics and design; sculpture and ceramics; Carpets and rugs



A store site for Iranian works of art and authentic handicrafts for international sale

  • The main indicators for evaluating works


Innovation and creativity ;

Using modern science and specialized market analysis in creating works and presenting ideas

natural material;

Using natural and Iranian production materials and equipment (such as focusing on the field of authentic Iranian colors)

Iranian Islamic motifs;

Exploitation of Iranian, ancient, Islamic motifs, human, animal, plant motifs in presenting ideas and creating works

ancient and traditional works;

Exploitation of historical properties in the design, execution and presented ideas

Quality ;

Elegance and precision in the execution of the work and creation of ideas compared to the first-class works in the world

modern Art ;

Creating two-way communication in the creation of works and presenting ideas related to modern and up-to-date world arts

Islamic art ;

Exploitation of artistic mixes and Islamic symbols in creating works and presenting ideas

Iran’s biggest art event in 2024

  • Event contacts (The community receiving the call and having special services in the empowerment plan)

consisting of three main groups

  • Well-known people in the field of art include: Art professors, collectors, exporters related to the arts and crafts industry
  • People active in the art industry include: Students of related fields, art activists, educational activists, independent artists
  • People interested in arts and crafts including: Enthusiasts, students, independent students, organizational managers

  • Operational actions (main event formats)

Virtual and in-person opening

Virtual and face-to-face information

Attracting “virtual” works and ideas

Virtual and face-to-face empowerment

Internal supply (store opening, exhibition) Virtual and in person

Virtual and in-person festival

International supply (store and exhibition translation) “virtual and in person

Summary of the “virtual and face-to-face” course

Authentic art site and good craft app

  • How do I proceed?

If you are an idea maker, creator of works of art, owner of a style or a work of art in the categories active in the national call; From the user account section, become a member of the site and on the first page of your personal account, follow the path of participation in the national call for art patrons (authentication, registration of art stores and registration of works)…

The site of the national call for art

By scanning the image below with your mobile phone, you will access the information on this page

You can send this image to loved ones who may be interested in attending the call

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Free call for authentic and accessible art in the field of visual arts

Contact us if needed

Specialized reference for buying and selling Iranian works of art and scientific display of Iranian handicrafts

Advertising clip of the campaign of the national event supporting art

National art holding event

National art patron event

National call to support art in the media

Iran’s best art application

Calling for a national event supporting art in the journalists' club

حامی هنر در خبرگزاری دانشجویی Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in academic jihad

حامی هنر در جهاد دانشگاهی Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event to support art in the educated

حامی هنر در فرهیختگان Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

We buy your artworks at the highest price

Calling for a national event supporting art in ISNA

حامی هنر در ایسنا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting the arts in Anna

حامی هنر در آنا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in Farshchian

حامی هنر در دانشگاه فرشچیان Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event to support art in IKNA

حامی هنر در ایقنا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

The official site for buying artworks and handicrafts of Iran

Calling for a national event to support art in the art of Gilan

حامی هنر در هنر گیلان Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in IRNA

حامی هنر در ایرنا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in Sinapress

حامی هنر در سینا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Iran’s best art application

Calling for a national event supporting the arts in the online arts

حامی هنر هنر آنلاین Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event to support art in students

حامی هنر در دانشجو Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in the sacred defense

حامی هنر در دفاع مقدس Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in Ilna

حامی هنر در ایلنا Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Iran’s best art application

Calling for a national event supporting art in Kerman

حامی هنر در کرمان Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in culture and art

حامی هنر در فرهنگ و هنر Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

Calling for a national event supporting art in Mehr

حامی هنر در مهر Iranian Art Holding خرید و فروش آثار هنری

The national call to support Mana art, the prestigious Iranian art call and festival

You can also take effective action to support this art and artists in cyberspace platforms to support Iranian art and artists.

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Buy and sell works of art

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