At first glance, in the simplest possible way, we are interested in supporting all the loved ones who have the opportunity to use our services to progress and empower themselves towards their best.

And we will spend a small part of our income on the path of excellence of these loved ones

Safe art donation

ART charity


Apart from the free and supportive platforms under the license of Art Holding (such as Bazarak, Art Freelancer, etc.), in all other sectors, if you are interested in using support services and feel entitled to use these types of services. You know, be sure to contact our colleagues in the support department.

Helping artists

It is worth mentioning

A part of the income obtained in Iranian Art Holding in all sectors, whether it is selling works or providing services, etc., will be dedicated to empowering working children in the country for art education and of course providing various services related to their capabilities. The performance report of this type of service will be presented in this section.

Artists’ Charity

If you are also able to provide services or support and are interested in supporting these best potentials, be sure to contact us.

Supporting working children

You can also take effective action to support this art and artists in cyberspace platforms to support Iranian art and artists.

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